Was born in a professional sportsmen family:
Father — honored coach, rowing national team training staff member. Mother — master of sports in gymnastics.
34 years old
Artem Zatsepa
Professional sportsman;
Master of sports in rowing;
Graduated from a sports reserve school;
TV anchor of sports section of First Channel program called «Good Morning»;
Higher physical education background;
Author of scientific article «Sporting heard» physiology»»;
Author of the project #тренеротбога (godgivencoach);
Issues I was coming across when setting up classic and personal training fitness studios:
Finding highly qualified skilled personnel;
Automation and standardization of training process;
High rental fees;
No unified IT solutions for training activity;
Motivation methods for clients
Unificated and close to home fitness studios
Studio is autonomous and no staff needed.
Access and time control by a smartphone.
In addiction to Alert button there is CCTV for safety.
Optimal temperature of 20-23°C (68-73°F) with moisture of 40-60% are maintained in the studio.
SOS alert button.
Smart Space
In addiction to Alert button there is CCTV for safety..
Smart assistance. Greets and helps during the training process.
Innovative cameras recognize body position and voice helper is there to correct the exercises execution.
Best designers had their fingers in the pie of organizing the space in our studios, with us you will just forget about the others.
Only you or your coach are there in the studio. According to different researches many people feel embarrassed or bear discomfort in classic fitness clubs.
Our concept principle is — one subscription for every close to home fitness location.
Container fitness studio is easy to move to change the location.
Specially developed software is there to help you interact with our fitness spaces. Your progress report will be shown in a special application.
Training software
We monitor health condition during all the phases of training process. We develop and manufacture by ourselves all fitness gadgets checking main parameters and synchronizing the data with our application.
Health monitoring
In addition to fitness gadgets, we manufacture training apparatus as well. You will be using the most modern and advanced fitness equipment.
Our fitness apparatus
Gamification and bonuses system in our application will help our clients set their fitness aims and get there with great success. It also motivates our client to keep studios clean and tidy.
  • We create data base of coaches, give them access to use our fitness spaces with their clients in any convenient location;
  • We have reviews and statistics for every coach and give our clients chance to choose their personal coach using our application;
  • Coaches aggregator;
  • Every coach has a chance to get his clients base bigger.
Coaches tracking
We are not selling club cards to go to the gym.
we sell result!
Client sets fitness aims in our application;
During the first visit our studio software checks and offers the training program in our application;
Smart cameras and voice assist are there to help our client during all the stages of training process;
Gamification and ratings motivate our clients to reach their aims.
The result that we offer:
Smart cameras and voice helper are correcting the way exercises are being done:
Fitness studios in commercial real estate.
Fitness studio in containers.
We are developing 2 directions
Our system motivates and follow the client all the way through!
We work on subscription system, sell our products
The main advantage of such studios is mobility
They are easy to move to change the location.
The largest Russian developer.
The company is a leader in the field of IoT technologies. More than 11 million customers worldwide.
Our partners:
A large investment and construction holding company within the Safmar industrial and financial group.